Saturday, March 26, 2011

E.T. Or Part of the Evolutionary Design

Ever wonder if there could really be some truth to those claims of alien life forms from other planets? Oh, not the kind that have become the stuff of science fiction thrillers, you know the kind that can change into different shapes or inhabit people’s bodies or have big eyes and heads with little bodies and so many other interpretations of what beings from other planets or worlds would be like, but realistically, from the eyes of the Creator himself! What if Roswell and other events were real, but because scientists couldn’t explain it, it was covered up and hidden from us? Much like God, because science can’t see and therefore can’t explain God, they have tried to cover Him up. I have found that science ultimately points to the magnificence of God, because everything around us seems to scream intelligent design!

Furthermore, since God created our planet, the Earth, along with the rest of the solar system it occupies, and all the other universes, together with all the galaxies in the vastness of space, which goes on forever, doesn’t it seem reasonable that God could have created another planet out there that supports life with creatures such as ourselves, but perhaps much older? God is infinite, therefore His love is infinite as well and couldn’t He love others from countless planets too? Wouldn’t He be able to hear their cries of anguish and feel their pain along with ours? Wouldn’t He be able to stretch out His helping hand and infinite grace to them as well? I believe He would want to have the same intimate relationships with them that He desires with us. I also believe that they would have been made in the image of God, just as we are, so they would look and think very similar to us.

Now, I’m not putting forth the theory that God was experimenting with these other creatures on their planets, but I think that God knew exactly what He wanted for each new creation and like us, he set things in motion, probably in a very similar fashion and let them “evolve” through his guidance and nurturing, just as he has done with us. I don’t mean evolution like Darwin’s theory, because it was just that, a theory and why the scientific community, which should know better, embraced it, is beyond me!  I don’t believe that man evolved from an ape, although, we can sometimes behave like them! I believe that man evolved from an earlier form of himself, such as prehistoric caveman, Neanderthal or who ever, which most likely were Adam and Eve. From Adam and Eve came the rest of us and we evolved into what we are today, man with computers, cars, trains, planes, spacecraft, IPhones, IPods , etc.. Man did not change from being a monkey with only natural instincts into human form with a superior intelligence. Man has always been in human form, but has gone from primitive to modern through advancements in technology; with each new discovery whether in science or technology, whatever, we evolve a little more.
Now, getting back to my theory, what if God in his infinite wisdom has made many such planets as Earth all over space, all inhabited by creatures like us, with similar histories, God would even have sent Jesus to save them at some point and like us God imprinted "the knowledge of himself" within them, so they could never deny Him. So it is quite reasonable to think that some of them have been around way longer than us and have made advancements in technology way beyond ours, perhaps even to the extent of space travel! Some may be able to travel between planets or other solar systems, maybe even as far as our own solar system and Earth, so some of the “UFO” sightings could very well be real! Perhaps they haven’t come to invade or destroy the Earth, but instead, as in Mark 16:15, they were told "go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation." They could actually be missionaries from another planet, sent out by God to all the universe (or universes) as in Matthew 28:19 "to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit!" and have come here to proclaim His glory! Or instead of Noah and his ark, it was Noah and his spaceship that was being spared from destruction? Sounds pretty far-fetched, like a science fiction novel or movie, but what do we know? We only know the limits of our own little world and its universe. God is infinite, so His possibilities are infinite. 

The most amazing thing about God is his abundant love and grace! That He can love each and every one of us the same, that He can answer all our prayers, our questions and provide for us all! That He is by our side 24/7, (Matt. 28:20 "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.") ready and willing to aid us whenever we call on Him. He sent his Son to die and rise again as a final sacrifice for our sins so that we might live and have life abundantly (even for those pesky extra-terrestrials)!  Even if it turns out that we are alone in space and his only creations, He was, is and will be forever! All He asks of us is to believe and trust in Him and He will do the rest!

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