Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Christmas Aftermath

As the whirlwind of the Christmas season starts to die down, the Christmas aftermath begins with the packing away of all the decorations and trimmings we love to proudly display around our houses. As we start to settle down and think about the coming of the New Year, we should take some time to reflect on the true meaning of it all. We have just finished celebrating the birth of Christ by decorating our houses inside and out, giving gifts, sing songs, making special foods and many other traditions which have become popular over the years. But what is the real story? 

Most of us are familiar with the story told in the bible about the time leading up to the birth of Jesus and even though there is some debate as to when Christ was actually born, we choose to do our celebrating in the month of December on the 25th. But is that all there is? We celebrate for a few days or a couple of weeks and then forget all about it until next year, just as we do with Santa Claus! We know Jesus was born in a stable with the animals, so it’s that image we show the world by creating a nativity scene or crèche to tell the story, which is a nice beginning, but the story doesn’t end there, we need to take Jesus out of the manger and put Him back in the world during the new year!

Jesus came to earth as an infant, grew to be a man, lived with us for 33 years teaching and setting an example of what God wanted from us as His creations! His legacy is not something that can be put away at the end of a season and forgotten, but something that should continue with us all year long! This amazing being was born to earthly parents and lived an earthly life with trials and tribulations, spent all his time ministering and healing others and then as the ultimate sacrifice gave His life for our freedom and redemption! He rose on the third day, walking among us again before ascending to Heaven to be crowned King! How can we stuff Him in a closet along with Santa Claus, sleds, reindeer, the tree and snowmen? He is alive and while we wait for His return we need to bring Him out with us in our daily lives, showing Him to the people around us in all we do and say, not hiding him as though we are ashamed to be associated with him!

Christ is not someone we only worship on Sundays or on special Holidays; He’s someone who deserves our attention every hour of every day! When we say we’ve changed, we are a new creation; it should be evident to the outside world as well as to God. The idea of being made new in Christ is not only that He redeemed us from our sins or that God has forgiven and forgotten them, but that now we want to be like Him, forgiving, helpful, kind and loving! We don’t have to be the “in your face” kind of disciples that have previously turned people off to Christianity, if given the chance to share do it with grace and humility! 

You can be different by doing simple little things, like letting someone get in front of you in line at the store, letting another car make a turn on a busy street, a smile, a thank you when someone holds the door for you or you can hold the door for another, etc. Just being polite and considerate to the people in your everyday life, shows that you are different, the idea is that when others look at you they will see a reflection of Christ! Let’s learn to be bold, Christ was a man who lived and died for us, we should be willing to do the same for Him!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Ode To A Scaredy – Cat or All Dressed Up With Nowhere To Go!

So here it is almost 3 mos. post op after a total hip replacement and I’m dressed for Church, ready to go, got my favorite leather boots on!  It’s raining and freezing cold, but I think nothing of it, until I step out onto my sidewalk with my crutch in hand and start to slip, it’s a solid sheet of ice!  I go back inside, change my boots to snow boots, try again with the same result, so I nix the sidewalk and head out through the garage. So now I think if I just stay close to the parked cars as I walk down the driveway, I’ll have something to grab if I start to slip, but again solid ice!  Then I decide I could just walk through the snow on the other side of the cars to get to the one I want, so I start trudging through it only to realize that I still have to stand on a patch of ice to get in the car!  Now I’m really bummed!  Next, I think to myself, I’ll have to call someone to come get me, but then I figure out that the driveway is so steep they can’t get up and I can’t get down!  Now I go inside and change my clothes!  Drat!  Winter you’ve won this round!   But I’m confident that the Lord knows, that I know, WHERE to find HIM!   His Word is ALIVE & I KNOW WHERE TO FIND IT!  THE B-I-B-L-E!