Thursday, June 25, 2015

Messing with Creation

With all the controversy that has been sparked by the sex transformation of the well known athlete, Bruce Jenner, here are some of my own thoughts. One of the first questions would be, is it a sin? Well, let’s look at it from the beginning; he was created as a man by God, God doesn’t make mistakes, humans do. So His creations are perfect the way they are in God’s eyes, no improvement needed. So do we as humans have the right to mess with his design? Aren’t we showing disrespect to Him by trying to change what He has created?

He has given us the knowledge and skills to use in correcting birth defects and other health problems, along with repairing the damage we do to ourselves, but we carry it a bit too far. We think we can improve things by reconstructing them to fit our own perverse desires. To me this seems like we are trying to steal His glory.

I don’t believe it when people say stuff like “I always knew I was a girl in a boy’s body or a boy in a girl’s body.” It just isn’t true; the only thing that is wrong with our bodies is our own depraved desires. If you think about it logically, people who undergo a sex change or gender change are only altering their outside appearance; they can never really be transformed totally from the inside out. So people like Jenner, will never be a real woman or a real man. Where are the female organs, ovaries and uterus? Where are the male organs, prostate and testicles? Even if there’s a way to add a vagina or penis, they will not function as if they were natural, so all of the money, time and pain can never truly fulfill their dream!

From the “fall of mankind” we have set about to go against creation. We think we know what is best for us, when actually that doesn’t play into the scenario at all! We are just trying to fill a void in our lives, a void that should be filled by God! As His main creation we have never liked being told what to do or how to live, that’s just our nature. So we pick which ever thing that seems to feel good at the moment.

I believe it’s a part of our internal makeup to have a little bit of both femininity and masculinity ingrained in us. For women having a little masculinity helps us to be strong enough to weather the storms in life and for men having a little femininity in them makes them a little more sensitive to others. The problems arise when we decide to let either femininity or masculinity take us over. We are not happy with ourselves as we are and think we will be more appealing to others by changing.

There are actually people who do have a legitimate reason to feel that they are in the wrong bodies, they are called “Intersex” or “Hermaphrodites” because they are born with the genitalia of both sexes. Usually the parents decide which sex the child should be shortly after birth and have the child surgically altered, so the parents could actually pick the wrong sex for the child. These days they are often left to decide for themselves and may never make a decision at all.

There was a time in my youth when I actually applauded women who didn’t flaunt their sexuality, by dressing in a way that didn’t use sex as a means of covering up for their lack of talent! The problem was most of them actually turned out to be “gay”, which was very disappointing to say the least! There also were men whom you knew seemed a little too feminine and they too ended up being “gay”!

The really disappointing thing is when people like Jenner, use it as a means of exploitation! If he was really sincere in wanting to be just a woman, he would not have made such a big deal about it, he would have done it quietly like so many others. He isn’t the first, there is a relatively famous model that started out as a boy in some foreign country too, but no one knew until she spoke out awhile ago. There have been so many famous people or children of famous people who have decided to change sexes, but I do find it odd that Jenner has a reality show lined up already!

I do believe that it is a sin against God to alter our sex for our own perverse desires; it’s a sin that many have to live with the rest of their lives, but it’s no greater than the sin of just changing our sexual preference or abortion, adultery, incest, pornography, drugs or any other.

Perhaps Bruce Jenner will someday be called by Jesus and repent with the rest of us sinners! I’m sure God is waiting!