Saturday, November 14, 2020

S.O.S. Needed Now

I personally do not care for politics as I feel that the majority of politicians have no concern for the needs of the people, they are selfishly centered on their own gain and that of their political affiliates. Unfortunately it has been a proven fact that socialism doesn’t work, it will not be a “New World Order” but a return to the old world order, a government run by dictators and the rest of us enslaved. I have this strange feeling that the Covid 19 virus was deliberately used as a means to conquer the world by reducing the number of people worldwide who would stand in the way of the takeover! There has even been some talk about when the vaccine for the virus is found people who have been given the vaccine will be required to have a chip inserted, something like the mark of the Devil during the end times.

I hope America is ready for the over throw of the government by radicals which began with the farce of an election. If this take over is successful we in America will truly know the pain people in other countries have felt for centuries as domineering radical groups take away our freedom by doing away with the democracy under which this country was formed. There will be no equality in any form; the middle class working people of this country will be paying for everything this group has promised to be free! The rich will get richer and the poor will stay poor, our health care will hit rock bottom, even lower than it was in the years from 2012 to 2016, when a would be dictator took control of the country!

The only way to survive is to return to the One who can truly save this nation, God! We need to keep our eyes open for the lies and turn our eyes to Christ, asking for His forgiveness, guidance and saving grace! Let’s all send Him an S.O.S!

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