Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Scary and Uncertain Times

Right now, we are living in some really scary and uncertain times, very much like in biblical days. The wars going on around the world and here in our homeland against Jews and others, but one of the worst is the battle for this upcoming presidential election. The democrats are using every trick available to win. First, they bring charges against Trump, using corrupt people in the court system, then the media making fun of him, but now the worst trick has started, Biden is coming after the voters!

I personally have been under the gun, not only have we been receiving phone calls on our landline asking for us to vote for certain democrats running for this office or that, but now I receive TEXT messages asking for donations to the democratic party! Most of the time it’s from names I’ve never heard of, but sometimes it’s from Biden himself! Why would I donate to the campaign of someone living off money from China all these years!

It gets even weirder! Recently I received a text from Jimmy Kimmel, I’ve never even watched his show! It had a picture of him and president Biden and said the following:

“Hi, it’s Jimmy Kimmel. I host a “poorly rated” show on TV that Donald Trump hate-watches. I’m intruding on your texts today because I’m interviewing President Biden and President Barac Obama – with special guests George Clooney, Julia Roberts, and more – and you’re invited.

Joe made me promise extra malarkey and malarkey there will be.

Are you interested? Pitch in any amount and you will be entered to win a trip out to LA to meet a pair of presidents, two movie stars and one “poorly rated” talk show host. Every cent will help keep Donald Trump out of the Oval Office.



It even gives you a website if you should be foolish enough to agree. I wouldn’t waste my time or my money on something like this. First off how do we know it’s not a scam? Second it seems like harassment, if I was interested in helping fund a campaign, I would do it on my own. Another scary thing is that they are paying people to do this.

The most recent form of harassment is texts telling me to confirm my vote for Biden, which seems out of place since when were we told to vote over the phone before the actual election starts and how do they get the phone numbers? It all seems to be like they are using AI to win this election!

The scariest thought that comes to me, is what if the election machines are rigged so that no matter who we vote for the machine rings up another vote for Biden. I have been on this earth since 1952 and these are the most frightening times I have ever been through! Be aware and focus on God through Christ! I’ve been asking for His guidance every day!

Saturday, May 29, 2021

A Nut In A Torn Bag

Nut In A Torn Bag I was a nut in a torn bag Then Jesus found me Cracked me, Salted me, Shook me, And threw me into the world.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

...Blood Bought.....

I hate you satan!
I hate you now!
To take the joy
From me somehow...

I bought your lies
I drank them in
I walked your walk
Just like your kin

Foul breath of hell
breathes down my neck
Your only aim
All YOU can get

Lies! Lies!
All you are is lies!

I once gave heed
To such as this
The love of God
Foolishly missed

"You're all alone!"
"Not good enough!"
"Just leave your God!"
"And cling to stuff!"

"Just one drink!"
"Just one smoke!"
"Take these pills!"
"Now take a toke!"

And once I'm weak
Near dead inside
It's then you strike
So deep So wide

"God's not here!"
"It's all HIS fault!"
"Just click away!"
...sexual assault...

It doesn't end
Until I bend
To him again
Then make amends

Down and up
And round and round
You bash my head
Against the ground

But what is this that I have found??

Jesus Christ 
comes to my aide!
My feet He cleans
No more to wade

In deaths dark sea
Of deepest woe!
Be gone from me!

I hate you satan!
I hate your lies!
I hate your filth!
Your ways, despise!

Your WEAK! Vile creature!
Compared to MY God!
You'll never again
Walk where angels trod!

Your head is crushed!
His heal but bruised!
My soul delights!
To hear the good news!

"My redeemer lives!
He lives in me!
My home his breast!
For eternity!"

Next time you come around to me..
Remember this! Listen closely!

I am my beloved's
And my beloved's mine!
He lives to intercede for me
From now to the end of time!

You've got nothing.
My soul is His.
Next time you seek to trip me.
Stop and take this quiz.

Who conquered the grave?!
And rose from the dead?!
Who's seated above?!
Who died in my stead?!

Although you may trip me
Confound all my thoughts
He'll never release me
For I am blood bought.

By John Bosse

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Those Who Sleep Must Awake

Those who sleep must awake
For the time comes
Yes, quickly the moment
The silence will break 
Those who sleep must awake 

Those who sleep must awake
For close the arrival 
Near His appearance 
His dear bride to take 
Those who sleep must awake

Those who sleep must awake 
For behold the Judge 
At the door standeth 
Christian heart reverently quake 
Those who sleep must awake 

Those who sleep must awake 
For accounts must be given 
Doth thou pursue righteousness?
All ungodliness forsake?
Those who sleep must awake 

Those who sleep must awake 
For soon His glorious face 
Will marvelously make clear His worth 
Oh, for His name’s sake 
Those who sleep must awake

By Scott Dunkerton

Friday, December 4, 2020

T’was A Month Before Christmas

T'was a month before Christmas,
And all through the town, 
People wore masks,
That covered their frown.
The frown had begun
Way back in the Spring,  
When a global pandemic 
Changed everything.
They called it corona, 
But unlike the beer,
It didn’t bring good times,
It didn’t bring cheer.
Contagious and deadly,
This virus spread fast,
Like a wildfire that starts
When fueled by gas.
Airplanes were grounded,
Travel was banned.
Borders were closed
Across air, sea and land.
As the world entered lockdown
To flatten the curve,
The economy halted,
And folks lost their nerve.
From March to July
We rode the first wave,
People stayed home,
They tried to behave.
When summer emerged
The lockdown was lifted.
But away from caution,
Many folks drifted.
Now it’s November
And cases are spiking,
Wave two has arrived,
Much to our disliking.
Frontline workers,
Doctors and nurses,
Try to save people,
From riding in hearses.
This virus is awful,
This COVID-19.
There isn’t a cure.
There is no vaccine.
It’s true that this year
Has had sadness a plenty,
We’ll never forget
The year 2020.
And just ‘round the corner -
The holiday season,
But why be merry?
Is there even one reason?
To decorate the house
And put up the tree,
When no one will see it,
No one but me.
But outside my window
The snow gently falls,
And I think to myself,
Let’s deck the halls!
So, I gather the ribbon,
The garland and bows,
As I play those old carols,
My happiness grows.
Christmas is not cancelled
And neither is hope.
If we lean on each other,
I know we can cope.
Author unknown

Saturday, November 14, 2020

S.O.S. Needed Now

I personally do not care for politics as I feel that the majority of politicians have no concern for the needs of the people, they are selfishly centered on their own gain and that of their political affiliates. Unfortunately it has been a proven fact that socialism doesn’t work, it will not be a “New World Order” but a return to the old world order, a government run by dictators and the rest of us enslaved. I have this strange feeling that the Covid 19 virus was deliberately used as a means to conquer the world by reducing the number of people worldwide who would stand in the way of the takeover! There has even been some talk about when the vaccine for the virus is found people who have been given the vaccine will be required to have a chip inserted, something like the mark of the Devil during the end times.

I hope America is ready for the over throw of the government by radicals which began with the farce of an election. If this take over is successful we in America will truly know the pain people in other countries have felt for centuries as domineering radical groups take away our freedom by doing away with the democracy under which this country was formed. There will be no equality in any form; the middle class working people of this country will be paying for everything this group has promised to be free! The rich will get richer and the poor will stay poor, our health care will hit rock bottom, even lower than it was in the years from 2012 to 2016, when a would be dictator took control of the country!

The only way to survive is to return to the One who can truly save this nation, God! We need to keep our eyes open for the lies and turn our eyes to Christ, asking for His forgiveness, guidance and saving grace! Let’s all send Him an S.O.S!

Monday, August 3, 2020

TV Is My Shepherd

"The TV is my shepherd, my spiritual life shall want
It makes me to sit down and do nothing for 
the cause of Christ,
It demandeth my spare time, 
It restoreth my desire for the things of this world,
It keepeth me from studying the truth of God's Word,
It leadeth me in the path of failure to attend God's House,
Yes, though I live to be 100 I will fear no rental, 
my television is with me,
It's sound and vision comfort me,
It prepareth a program for me in the presence of my visitors,
It's volume shall always be full,
Surely comedy and commercials shall follow me 
all the days of my life,
And I will dwell in the house of spiritual poverty, forever."

By Pastor Randy Smith