Sunday, March 8, 2020

A Near Death Experience

Some pretty weird things happen in life, like when your dog is barking in the wee hours of the morning. You get out of bed, let the dog out and after awhile you call him in, but he doesn't come. You look around for him and then you notice he's walking around something on the ground. It looks as though he's picking it up and shaking it, just like he does to his stuffed toys, so you go out to get him and you see a small furry creature lying on the ground. You're not sure, but in the dark of night it looks dead, its fur is all mangled and it’s body twisted, so you put the dog away. You come back, put it in a plastic bag, then stick it in the garbage can and go back to bed. 

You wake up the next day still feeling unsure as to whether it's really dead, so you take a peek in the garbage can as you’re walking to your car on your way to church. Lifting the lid you see movement in the bag, its little head is turning, its little eyes looking around! So you carefully take the bag out of the garbage, it goes limp again and dump the little furry body in the bushes by the tree in your front yard! When you come home after church, the body is gone! Then you realize you've just had your first “hands on” experience with Possum playing possum! Very wild!

It was probably very thankful to its creator that it received a second chance at life by playing dead! Unfortunately it doesn’t always end the same way the second time as was the case with this youngster, some dogs play a little too rough!

We as humans tend to play dead also, we say we have died to our old self and have become a new Creation in Christ, but it never really shows in our behavior. We go to Church every Sunday, then come home and go back to our old ways, use foul language, watch adult programming, treat others in a demeaning manor etc., not Christ like at all! Doing away with the old self is a day to day battle, the evil one is always there taunting us, but if we truly have Christ in our heart we can make headway!

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